Join with your Sisterhood friends as we discuss “Properties of Thirst” by Marianne Wiggins
“Rocky” Rhodes has spent years fiercely protecting his California ranch from the LA Water Corporation. It is here where he and his beloved wife Lou raised their twins, Sunny and Stryker, and it is here where Rocky has mourned Lou in the years since her death. As Sunny and Stryker reach the cusp of adulthood, the country teeters on the brink of war. Stryker decides to join the fight, deploying to Pearl Harbor not long before the bombs strike. Soon, Rocky and his family find themselves facing yet another incomprehensible tragedy.
Our upcoming schedule:
April: “The Bluest Eye (Vintage International)” by Toni Morrison
May: “Demon Copperhead” by Barbara Kingsolver
June: “The Little Liar” by Mitch Albom