
Temple Sinai’s forward-thinking Sisterhood welcomes an aggregate of new and veteran members. Older and younger. Married and single. Cisgender, transgender, and non-binary. Members with no children, young children, and empty nesters. We come from all backgrounds and levels of Jewish observance – from traditional to little or no observance at all. Our members have diverse tastes and interests within our temple, the surrounding community, and the world at large. This diversity will help determine the needs, interests, and direction of our future programming. We believe our diversity makes us stronger! Please join us and add your voice to the wonderful chorus that is our Temple Sinai Sisterhood as we continue to work for our temple’s future, because without YOU we are one woman short!

We pride ourselves on providing our TSG community with the following:

We also provides engaging social events for Sisterhood members, such as:

  • Bookends: Our monthly Zoom book club where we discuss books by, about, or for women
  • Quarterly Rosh Chodesh Celebrations: We mark the beginning of many Jewish months by getting together and celebrating with prayer, song, art and food
  • Annual Sisterhood Brunch: Every year we celebrate our membership with a delicious meal and inspirational programming

For questions or more information about Sisterhood click here!