Attending Jewish summer camp is an amazing way for Temple Sinai children to meet other Jewish peers, form lasting friendships, and expand their experience within the greater Jewish community. Temple Sinai Sisterhood believes that all children in our community should have this enriching experience and that it is our obligation to make sure the opportunity is affordable to all families. It is out of this belief the Campership Program was born.
The structure is simple — children earn scholarships to Jewish camps by fulfilling service hours helping to support specific TSG and community programs or activities. The program was founded on three important tenets: faith, service, and friendship. The program is set up so that parent participation is also required. This helps strengthen the bonds between the children, teens, and their parents, helping to cross the generational divide.
Participation is open to all TSG children ages 8 – 16. The program runs from September to June, and scholarships are awarded mid-May. Students may enroll and participate in the program each year until they age out. For campers not ready for overnight camp, scholarships can also be earned for Jewish day camp, NIFTY, L’Taken, or Shabbaton participation.
Award amounts are set by the Sisterhood Board based on input from the Campership Committee and the amount of available funding. The bulk of the funding for the program comes from monies earned in the annual TSG Fundraiser and from donations from the congregation. Campership is overseen by a committee of parents who sit on the Sisterhood Board. Together with the board, they set the rules and structure for the Program.
Some of the activities students can participate in include:
In addition to service hours, all Campership families collectively prepare and serve a meal for the residents of the Ascencia Homeless Services organization here in Glendale.
Some of the camps our young TSG members attend include:
If you are interested in additional information about the program or have questions, please click here.